Friday 30 September 2016

Time Magagement


My aim for this lesson is to complete my work from last lesson which is to finish my generic conventions and my institution research and start my facial expressions work.

My results of this lesson is that I completed my work from last lesson and I will do my facial expressions work at home.

Generic Conventions.

This has helped me understand what most alternative magazines contain and why they use it for there audience. This also helps me know how I will change my magazine to make it stand out from the competition by using more images in the contents page as it makes it more interesting and more fans will be attracted to my magazine also I will not include an editors note. Also I will not write my article in a Q and A format as that is very popular with alternative magazines so I will a full article so make my magazine different.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Time Management


My aim for the end of this lesson to complete my competition presentation and to finish my generic conventions presentation and to start my institution research.

My results of this lesson is that I have finished my competition presentation and I am half way through my generic conventions and I will complete it in the next lesson or at home with my institution research.


This helped me know what sort of competition is out there and information about them such as the price of the most popular magazines in my genre of music. It helped me figure out how I'd change my magazine to stand out from my competition such as lowing the price by 50p to make people want to buy it more and that I will use lesser known artists as well as big artists to bring in another audience.

Mast Head mood board

This helped me know what types of mast heads are out there and it also helped me figured out what type of mast head that I want which is either big and bold font to help it stand out and as alternative music is big and bold  or a font that represents alternative music such as a horror font as alternative music is pretty different like horror is and a lot of people who like alternative music like the genre horror so it would fit with my audience as well.

Fonts mood board.

This mood board helped me understand what fonts are used in magazines and what possible fonts I could use for my magazine. This helps with my final design ideas as it showed me what fonts are available what fonts look good in magazines it also helped me decide that I want a bold font that will help it stand out to readers. 

Costume, Hair and Make up mood board.

This helped me find out what clothing, hairstyles and make up represent alternative music and how I would present my model so that she looks like an alternative music artist such as using dark clothing and dark make up with a messed up hair style. 

Colour schemes mood board.

This helped me figure out what colours look good in a magazine and how I would present these colours for a magazine. For my final magazine it help me decide that I will be using dark colours for the majority of the magazine but also use bright colours to help certain things stand out such as a title or a quote. 


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This helped me know what was in a typical alternative music magazine and how all the features were used to create a good product. It will help me use all the features appropriately for this genre of music and what to include for my type of audience such as using a lot of sub images to make the magazine seem cluttered and packed full of things and also use plugs on my front cover to make people more interested in paying for the magazine as you get a free product and I will make sure that what I give away will be something that alternative fans would like for example headphones. On my contents page of my magazine I will have a editors note from a special guest and have a big image of the artist that who is the guest editor as then people will be able to see who it is editing the magazine also I will include a sub image of another artist as it will make people be more interested as their is another artist that they like. On my DPS I will include a image of my artist that takes up at least half of the page as it will make the people reading the magazine interested as you can see who it is about but I will lay out my text as a article as people will be more interested in reading an article than a Q and A.    

Friday 23 September 2016

Time Management


My aims for this lesson to finish as much as possible on my deconstructions for my 2x front pages, 2x contents pages 2x DPS

My results from this lesson are that I have nearly completed my deconstruction as I only have 1 more contents page and 1 more DPS I will complete these 2 at home.

Time Management


My aims for the this lesson were to understand how to deconstruct a magazine front cover, contents page and DPS and to start my analyses of 2 of each.

My results of this lesson was that I know fully understand how to deconstruct a magazine parts and that I have finished 1 of my front covers and started one of my DPS deconstructions I will aims to finish the rest next lesson.

Time Management


My aims for the this lesson were to understand how to deconstruct a magazine front cover, contents page and DPS and to start my analyses of 2 of each.

My results of this lesson was that I know fully understand how to deconstruct a magazine parts and that I have finished 1 of my front covers and started one of my DPS deconstructions I will aims to finish the rest next lesson.

Time Management


My aims for this lesson is to learn about language and redgister and understand the terms associated with langue and register I also aim to finish a media rich prevention with examples of language and register.

My results of this lesson are that I now understand language and register I also completed a prezi about it and used examples of magazines and analyzed them that I uploaded to my blog.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Time Mangement


My aims for this lesson is to upload my mood board to my blog and to create another mood board on a media rich program of front covers, contents and double page spreads of music magazine.

My results for this lesson is that I uploaded my mood board from last lesson through slide share and I completed my mood board of the different components of the magazines on Pintrest and added a link to my blog as the widgets didn't work.

Time Mangement

My aims for this lesson is to fully understand the AS Media course work also to create a blog on blogger and to create a mood board for my style of music for inspiration for my magazine.

My results of this lesson is that I now fully understand the corse I enrolled on I also created a blog without any problems and I finished my mood board that will help with my magazine creation but I haven't uploaded it yet.  

Friday 16 September 2016

Language and Register

This helped me understand what alternative music magazines use language and register for and where they use it. This will help my final product as I know where and how to use language such as using bright colours to help my product stand out from the competitors and how to draw people in using titles and images.

Wednesday 14 September 2016


This helped me figure out what I could include in my magazine and what the purpose of them would be. It helped me understand what links in with alternative music like the styles and the interests of the fans.


The Aims Of My Course

The aim of this course is to:
  • enhance candidates enjoyment and appreciation of the media and its role in their daily lives; 
  • develop critical understanding of the media through engagement with media products and concepts and through the creative application of practical skills; 
  • explore production processes, technologies and contexts; 
  • become independent in research skills and their application.

The Briefs

When centres choose briefs to offer to candidates, they should be guided by their strengths in terms of resources and expertise. Centres should also bear in mind the key areas: forms and conventions, production contexts, the role of technologies, audiences/users and representations. 
The set briefs are as follows:

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program. 
Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style). Maximum four members to a group. 

All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate(s), minimum of FOUR images per candidate. 


Hello, welcome to my blog for my AS Media coursework this will be the place that I post all of my work.
Thank you for popping by.