Wednesday 28 September 2016


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This helped me know what was in a typical alternative music magazine and how all the features were used to create a good product. It will help me use all the features appropriately for this genre of music and what to include for my type of audience such as using a lot of sub images to make the magazine seem cluttered and packed full of things and also use plugs on my front cover to make people more interested in paying for the magazine as you get a free product and I will make sure that what I give away will be something that alternative fans would like for example headphones. On my contents page of my magazine I will have a editors note from a special guest and have a big image of the artist that who is the guest editor as then people will be able to see who it is editing the magazine also I will include a sub image of another artist as it will make people be more interested as their is another artist that they like. On my DPS I will include a image of my artist that takes up at least half of the page as it will make the people reading the magazine interested as you can see who it is about but I will lay out my text as a article as people will be more interested in reading an article than a Q and A.    

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