Wednesday 25 January 2017


My aim for this lesson into finish all of my evaluation questions and upload them to my blog.

My result of this lesson is that I have finished my evaluation and uploaded them to my blog.

Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Q1 by jadeyt2007

Q2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Powered by emaze

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q5 How did you attract/address your audience?

Created using Visme. The Free Online Presentation Tool.

Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from that to your full product?

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Time Mangement


My aim for this lesson is to work on more of my evaluation questions.

My result of this lesson is that I have worked on my Q5, Q2 and Q7.

Friday 13 January 2017

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to finish my little improvements for my contents and DPS and to finish my Q3 and Q4 for my evaluation.

My result of this lesson is that I did my small improvements and I finished my Q3 an Q4 I also started my Q5 for my evaluation.

Tenth contents page draft

I added a caption under 'MCR REUNION???' as before it looked empty and like it didn't fit their.

Eighth DPS draft

I made the lines around my model more straight and made it look like she wasn't cut out in photoshop.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Time manganment


My aim for this lesson is learn about my evaluation questions and start one of them.

My result of this lesson is that I learned about my 7 questions in my evaluation and began to start the 4th question on prezi.

Friday 6 January 2017

Sixth front cover draft

I swapped my puff and one of my sub images around as this looks better because their isn't too many other people around their eye level which make it easier to concentrate on them.

Seventh DPS draft

I made the title straighter so that it was more eye catching for the reader.
I moved the dominate image caption down so that made more sense and looked like it fitted better 

Ninth contents page draft

I made sure that the numbers were in line with the writing.
I added social media icons to the top of the page as social media is a big thing for fans in this age range for my magazine.
I added a white boarder around my model so that they stood out more on the page so it was more eye catching.

Eighth contents page draft

I tried adding a line to break up the two sides of the pages but it didn't look right and I think that it looks better without line.

Sixth DPS draft

I added a background to my image and tried it in a couple of different colours but I don't like it and I think that it looks better in black it fits well together when its all the same colour also alternative colours are black and dark colours so it fits my genre also my title and pull quote stand out more on the black background.

Peer feedback - DPS

This is the peer feedback for my double page spread.
One comment I don't agree with is that the rainbow doesn't fit with the colour scheme as I think that it should be their as it makes sense to the article as it is about being LGBT and the rainbow is their symbol also many people asked for colour which the two rainbows add to the article.
One comment I agree with is that moving the image caption down to page and closer to the person as it will look more professional and make more sense as people will know what it is for.
Another comment I don't agree with is to add colour to my pull quotes to make them stand out as I believe that the best colour to stand out on a black background is white and that is the colour of my pull quotes.

Time mangagemnt


My aim for this lesson is to finish all of my improvements from my front cover, DPS and contents page.

My results of this lesson is that I finished all of my improvements and I started my flat plans and rationales.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to complete my contents page improvements and to start the improvement on my DPS.

My result of this lesson is that I have finished my seventh contents page draft and my fifth DPS draft and uploaded both of them to my blog with annotations.

Seventh contents page

I added numbers to my sections that didn't have numbers.
I moved everything up so that it looked more full and interesting.
I changed the tours section slightly so that their is a space down the side of the page which is black as it looks better and more organized.

Fifth DPS cover

I changed my layout for my title and strap line as this looks more professional and looks more interesting.
I moved the rainbow to underneath the text to add some colour to the page and make it more interesting.
I make the running head just the title of my magazine and made it smaller.
I made my article text smaller as it was a little too big.
I made my sub image bigger as it looked better and filled up some more space.
I changed the font on the running head and bottom section of my DPS as this looks more professional.