Friday 25 November 2016

Compare and Contrast- Contents page

My magazine contents page is similar and different in many ways to the product already out there.

One way these contents pages are similar is that they both include a large image on one side of the page which help show what are the most important articles. 

A difference in these contents pages is that I have included a sub image of another artist where this contents page has an image of some of the other magazines for a subscription advert I decided to include another artist instead as it makes the reader more interested in the article about the artist and makes the page look more visually pleasing.

Another similarity to my contents page and and this one is that they both have an editors note from an artist which help show the reader that the artist is interested in the magazine and they have had some input in the magazine and they want the readers to have a good time while reading. 

Another difference in these magazine contents page is that the other product has more sections for different sections of the magazine where I have only included 3 different sections which will help readers find the most important articles in the magazine but adding more sections to my magazine contents page could be something that I add in the future.

Another similarity with these contents page is that they both include page numbers for the articles and pages as it helps the reader find the page that the article they want to read is on.

Another similarity of these contents pages is that they both include a cover date and a issue number on the page which helps the reader know when it was published and which issue it is as it helps they be able to find it in the future.

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