Wednesday 16 November 2016

Compare and contrast - front cover

This is my front cover.

This is a magazine similar to mine

There are some similarities and differences with my magazine and a similar product.
One similarity to my magazine and this similar product is that both our titles are on slants also I included a quote on top of the title and something about the article underneath the title. A difference between these two magazines is that I haven't included a give away of posters but I have included a give away of headphones instead but posters could be something I look to include in my magazine. Another similarity of these magazines is the plus bar at the bottom of the page except the similar product has a lot more artists than mine does but I wanted the artist to stand out on the page. Another difference is that the masthead goes across the top of the page and mine sits at the side as for my magazine it looks better and fits better also in the similar product the artist goes over the masthead and mine doesn't as the image isn't big enough which could be something I could change in the future. Another similarity of these two magazines is that I have included a couple of sub images it make it more interesting and added tag lines for the sub images. Another difference is that I don't have a bar at the top of my magazine as I think my magazine looks better without it also the barcode on the similar product is all one box and mine has a different colour box as it helps it stand out and help people find it easier but changing it to the same colour could be an improvement for the future.

The give away of beat headphones shows that I am catering towards my target audience as from my research I found out that people who would read this sort of magazine enjoy listening to music through headphones.

The artists that I have included such as Paramore show that I am representing the alternative genre and the swear word again show that I'm making a alternative magazine as the artists are alternative and swearing in a magazine is very out their and different just like the alternative genre.

There is couple of things I could change for my next draft such as making the image a little better so it fills more of the space and change the colour of one of the tag lines so that it stands out more also if I can include free posters and maybe make my title slightly smaller so I can fit more things in.

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