Wednesday 12 October 2016

College magazine final.

The final contents page.

This helped me understand how to put a contents page together and how things must be set out. I believe this could be improved if the images were a little bit brighter and if the different shades blue that was used on the front cover were used instead of the purple background as it would help it match better and become more recognizable for the students. Maybe a dominate image could have been used for the background or to take up more space as this looks a little empty. The images could have had a image caption to explain what they were. There could have been small summaries about the articles to give the reader more information. I like the way the fonts colours stand out on the page against the purple background. I would add titles to the contents list to help the reader find things easier.

The final front cover.

This helped me understand how to put a front cover together. I really like the front cover of the magazine as it looks professional and looks like something I would read. I could improve this by having the model look at the camera instead of away to have non direct mode of address and it would attract the reader easier. Also I'd change the font of the "FRESHERS" and "BOOK THIEF CAUGHT" and make it a little bigger as it would stand out better from the information. I'd also change the background of the writing to make it stand out a little better and easier for the reader to read I'd make it a little whiter as I like the fact its transparent like. The college colours and logo help it be more recognizable for the students.  I may have changed the pull quote to something with direct address as it will bring more readers in. I like the fact that the cover follows the same colour scheme except the main sell line which is yellow which helps it stand out. I would also include a give away or a freebie to attract more interest.

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