Monday 31 October 2016

DPS flat plan and rationale

In my DPS half of my page will be taken over by my dominate image to show that the artist is important.The background of my DPS is going to be black as this makes it easier for the colour from the rainbows stand out and the article and pull quotes will be white so the black background will hep that stand out too also dark colours are a big part of the alternative music genre as the fans and artists like the colours and wear a lot of them as this shows that they are alternative.
At  the side of my dominate image their will be my title also in the corner of the page their will be a running head with my magazine name, the magazine name will also be at the bottom of the page,so people remember what they are reading, with the date and the page number so people know when this was created and what page it is so it is easy to locate from the contents page.
Next to my dominate image their will be image caption which will give a small piece of information about the artist. At the side the page I will include a by line for the article and photography as it shows people who did this. Beside my dominate image I will add a subtitle which will be a quote from the artist about themselves. On the other side of my DPS is where my article will be which will include two pull quotes to capture the readers attention easier also my subtitle will be a quote from the artist about their life. 

The first font will be used for my title and the second font will be used for the pull quotes on the page.
My title will be 'Sydney shows their true colours' which is sort of a pun as they are coming out which is associated with rainbows and the DPS will have rainbows on it.
Also I will include a sub image underneath my article where my two models are together and they look happy to show that life gets better. I will be using a prop of a rainbow flag in my photograph as it brings colour to the page and it again helps re enforce that they are gay as a rainbow flag is a symbol of the LGBT+ community.My main model will be wearing a tank top,with rips and holes in as I found out from my research this is popular with fans and artists, that is popular in the alternative music community as a few alternative artists have worn it this shows that this artist is alternative too they will also be wearing a dark coloured plaid shirt as dark colours are important to fans and artists and from my research I found that they are very popular in this genre of music. with rips and holes in as I found out from my research this is popular with fans and artists.
Image result for i don't trust me either tank
Image result for burgundy plaid shirt
Image result for rainbow flag png

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