Monday 31 October 2016

Front page flat plans and rationale.

On my front cover I will have my main sell line across my dominate image to help it stand out and grabs peoples attention and so that people know who the main article is about, I will also have a pull quote from the artist on top of my main sell line so that people know what the article is about and I will include a subhead which will be underneath my sell line so that it has a little more detail for my article.
At the bottom of my front cover I will include a plus bar so the people know what else is in the magazine and it will help attract the attention of fans of other artists. On one side of my dominate image their will be a sub image, with just the sell line. I will have another sub image above my dominate image with a sell line and a small subhead to make the front cover interesting, give more detail to my article and to attract more fans. On the other side of my dominate image their will be a puff to win something so that it attracts more people as they could get something for free.
On the second image the sell line and subhead will be overlapping the image to show that the story line is important for the person. In the corner of my magazine their will be a barcode with a little bit of information about the magazine and it will be small so that it doesn't look important but is still easy to find. I will have my masthead at the top of the page in the corner to make it stand out from the competition as most alternative magazine have the masthead across the top of the page with my tag line over lapping it to make sure people notice the tag line as it stands out.

The first font will be the one I use for my sell line and the second font will be the one I use for my masthead.

My dominate image will be taken at eye level with a medium close up to make it stand out on a shelf as their is someone looking at you. The costume that my model will be wearing is a burgundy jumper with a beanie as this helps represent the alternative colour also the colour will stand out from the background which will be graffiti on a wall as this makes the page look full and interesting with all of the colour. The facial expression that my model will have will be a super smiler as it shows that the topic they are talking about is nothing to be ashamed of and that even through struggles you can be happy again.
Their will be a lot of colour in my magazine as the background will be colourful, their will be small uses of bright colours such as yellow and red to help things stand out more and make it more interesting, also their will be a lot of use of white as it will stand out well against my dominate image and the background, their will be some blue and other dark colours as this represents alternative genre well as most people who listen to alternative music and artists wear a lot of dark colours.

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