Wednesday 12 October 2016

College magazine - Flat plans

This are my flat plans for my college magazine.

Flat plan for the contents page.

This contents page will have a purple background white white writing as this is a colour that really stands out against a purple background it is easier for the reader to read. The images link with what is in the list of contents and they also link with what is on the front page. The lighting for the library photo is artificial lighting and the lighting for the arts building was taken with natural light. This is a very simple lay out but that means it is easier for the reader to find things and less cluttered so the reader can understand what is in the magazine. The font is quite bold so help it stand out on the page.

Flat plan for the front cover.

For the front cover I will be using a dominant image to take over the whole page. The angle of this dominate image will be taken at eye level to draw the readers attention to it. The fonts used for the masthead will be bold as it helps it stand out the colours will match the college as then it becomes more branded and more recognizable by students it will also include the college logo to again to help students recognize it. Most font colours used will be a blue that is similar to the college colours but slightly different shades to help it stand out. The writing will have a white tinted background to help the readers read the information more clearly. The main sell line and pull quote will have block coloured backgrounds one blue with white writing and one yellow with black writing to help the text stand out and to draw the readers attention to the magazine and the titles. The dominate image was taken with natural lighting and the two sub images were taken with artificial lighting. The lay out is quite cluttered with lots of things going on at once but that helps draw the readers attention and makes them more interested. 

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