Monday 31 October 2016

Contents page flat plans and rationale

On my contents page my masthead will be at the top of the page in the corner but quite small and next to that I will have contents quite big to made it stand out and I will have the cover date and the issue number quite smaller and  underneath them their will be social media icons to show that we are on social media as it is very popular in alternative music. A lot of the page will be taken over by my dominate image of my model underneath them their will be a guest editors note from the same person in the dominate image. Next to my guest editors note their will be a sub image of a different model which will help bring in more fans, above them will be lists of what is in the magazine in separate sections.

The first font I will use for the 'contents' and the second font I will use for the numbers and the titles but in red and white.

The background of the top of my contents page of this will be dark blue, as again this is a popular colour with alternative fans, with a yellow zig zag going through it as the bright colour will help the top stand out. Also the background of my contents page will be white so help the colours on the page stand out. In my dominate image my model will be wearing a alternative artist t-shirt so show that they are a alternative artist that supports their fellow artists also the shirt will be black as black and dark colours are very popular with fans and artists in the alternative music genre also their facial expression will be quite sad as the article they are showing is somewhat sad so I want to show it. This photograph will be taken as a medium shot as you get to see more of them in the photograph to represent that their is more to them than what the article is about. In my sub image my model will be wearing a checked shirt  as from my research I have found that they are also popular with people who like alternative music and the artists this will be shot from behind to fit with the story line. For my numbers they will be dark red, the boxes with the titles will be blue as they will stand out from the white but also dark colours are popular with alternate music fans and artists but the writing in the boxes will be white as it will stand out from the blue so people will find it easier. The background of my dominate image will be different shades of blue with a white line around my image to help it stand out from the background. The background to my sub images will be sea as it will be a shoot at the beach as this is very popular place to listen to alternative music.
Image result for halsey shirt

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