Friday 16 December 2016

Fifth front cover draft

I made my Monique sub image smaller as it was looking stretched.
I changed my other sub image as it was too small to see properly.
I moved the 'for' from my tag line as it looked like it was floating and didn't make sense.
I rotated my tag line so that it fitted better and looked more with the magazine.
I changed the diamond to a circle as it looked more professional. 

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to finish the improvements for my front cover.

My result of this lesson is that I finished my front cover and started the improvement to my contents page.

Sixth contents page draft.

I changed the image caption for my sub image so that it matches the dominant image caption.
I deleted the text under some of my sections as it didn't look right.
I added another section to my features to make it look more interesting.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to add all of missing pieces from my blog to my blog and to continue adding  to my DPS and contents page.

My result of this lesson is that I finsihed my missing sections I also completed a fifth draft go my contents page and fourth draft of my DPS and uploaded them to my blog labeled drafts.   

Fifth Contents Page Draft

I added a background to my image as it looked like they were just floating their.
I changed the colour of the fonts  at the bottom of my article section as they didn't stand out well and this makes them the same I also removed the brackets as it didn't look right.
I moved the guest editor star to the other side and made the font smaller so everything fitted properly I also moved the signature to it was at the end of the writing.
I changed the big image caption so that it looked more professional and look better.
I also added a box for the second image caption so that it stood out.

Fourth DPS Draft

I embedded my drop cap into my article as to makes it look more professional.

Magazine inspiration

This helped me realise what alternative magazines do already exist and how they are presented to there audience. This helped me understand what parts of a magazine I do and don't like and what I would and wouldn't include for magazine to help it to be appealing to customers.


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Friday 9 December 2016

Time management


My aim for this lesson is to finish my contents page improvements and just start my DPS improvements.

My result of this lesson is that I finished my contents page improvements and did a couple of my DPS improvements.

Fifth contents page draft

I changed the contents title so the font is unique to the masthead.
I changed the cover date and issue number font to make the contents title font unique.
I added a page number.
I added another news section.
I changed the size of all the writing in the futures, freebies and news sections.
I make the guest editor writing bigger and aliened them again.
I added a box around the caption as what I had before didn't look right. 

Third DPS draft

I made the running head smaller.
I changed the title of the article as it didn't look right.
I moved my image caption with the image.
I changed the bylines to just one.
I moved one of the pull quotes so that it wouldn't be in the staple line.
I changed the image caption as it clashed with the sub title.  

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to finish the improvements for my front cover and start the improvements for my contents page.

My results of this lesson is that I have finished my font cover improvements and have just began my improvements for my contents page as I have changed a couple of things

Fourth front cover draft

I made my dominate image bigger.
I changed my sub image tag line.
I changed my sub image to another artist.
I changed the size of the barcode.
I changed the puff shape.
I made the bar at the bottom smaller.
I changed my tag line so it was shorter.

Fourth contents page draft

I added a box around my sub image.
I added boxes around my image captions.
I changed the image for dominate image.
I made the text for my guest editor straighter.
I changed my sub image so that it fits in with the text.

Friday 2 December 2016

Time management


My aim for this lesson is to a title and subtitle to my dps and add more little details to it.

My result of this lesson that I have added my title and my subtitle to my DPS and I have added a section to the bottom of the page which tells you the page number, date and title of my magazine. I also did my compare and contrast of my DPS and another DPS.

Compare and Contrast - DPS

My double page spread and a one that already exists are similar and different in many ways.

One similarity with these DPS's is that they both include a running head except I included the title of my magazine in with mine. This makes my DPS look more professional and it reminds people what their reading and what they are reading about.

One difference with my DPS and an existing one is that their title has two different fonts and mine only has one. This helps the title stand out off the page more, chaging this could be something that I consider when I creating another draft of my magazine. 

Another similarity of these two DPS's is that they both have a big image of the artist which takes up quite a lot of space this helps the article look more interesting as there isn't a lot of empty space it also helps people recognize who they are. 

Another difference with these two DPS's is that in my double page spread I have mostly used the colour white for the text where as this one had used pink to help certain things stand out from other things this helps attract the readers attention to certain sections of the page. Adding another colour to my text could help certain sections stand out like the quotes I have included.

Another difference with my DPS and the one that already exists is that I have included a section at the bottom where their is a line to stop writing and images reaching the bleed line where the other one hasn't also this look helps my DPS look more proffesional and it makes everything stop so everything is in order and even. 

Another difference in these two DPS's that I have included more pull quotes than the other one. This helps keeps the reader intrested in the article as they want to know why that person can't live their any more or how they became happy so people will continue to read on and it helps it stand out of you were just flicking through the magazine.   

Second draft - DPS

I have added a title.
I have added a sub title.
I changed the size of my text.
I added photography credit.
I added boxes around my image captions.
I added a section at the bottom with the date, title of my magazine and my page number.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Time Mangment


My aim for this lesson is to start my DPS and collect my peer feedback.

My result of this lesson is that I have begun my DPS and uploaded my first draft to my blog and I have got my peer feedback and uploaded it to my blog with my comments.

First draft DPS

This is my first draft of my double page spread. 
I added images. 
I added text. 
I added pull quotes.
I added a running head. 
I added a page number. 
I added captions to the images.
I added a byline. 

Peer feedback - contents page

This is my peer feedback for my contents page.
One comment I agree with is that their is a spelling error with 'fuck what you thing' which is supposed to be 'think' so I will change that as it makes it more proffesional.
One comment I disagree with is that they think I should change the green and orange font but I disagree as it helps the important sections stand out.
Another comment I disagree with is that the image is too dark as the article that this image represents is quite a dark and sad topic.
Another comment I agree with is that I should put a box around the sub image that I have at the bottom as this will make it look better and sectioned.

Friday 25 November 2016

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to complete my contents page and to do the compare and contrast of my contents page and a product already out there.

My results for this lesson is that I finished my magazine contents page and and I have finished my compare and contrast and finished writing my DPS article.

Third draft of my contents page

I added an image of my guest editor.
I added my sub images.
I added captions to my images.
I added a signature to my guest editor to make it more realistic. 

Compare and Contrast- Contents page

My magazine contents page is similar and different in many ways to the product already out there.

One way these contents pages are similar is that they both include a large image on one side of the page which help show what are the most important articles. 

A difference in these contents pages is that I have included a sub image of another artist where this contents page has an image of some of the other magazines for a subscription advert I decided to include another artist instead as it makes the reader more interested in the article about the artist and makes the page look more visually pleasing.

Another similarity to my contents page and and this one is that they both have an editors note from an artist which help show the reader that the artist is interested in the magazine and they have had some input in the magazine and they want the readers to have a good time while reading. 

Another difference in these magazine contents page is that the other product has more sections for different sections of the magazine where I have only included 3 different sections which will help readers find the most important articles in the magazine but adding more sections to my magazine contents page could be something that I add in the future.

Another similarity with these contents page is that they both include page numbers for the articles and pages as it helps the reader find the page that the article they want to read is on.

Another similarity of these contents pages is that they both include a cover date and a issue number on the page which helps the reader know when it was published and which issue it is as it helps they be able to find it in the future.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to add more sections to my contents page and a sub images box.

My result for this lesson is that I have added more sections to my contents page, a sub image box, a main image box as I didn't like the image and I also added an editors note with a star.

Second contents page draft

I added more sections to my contents page.
I added a box of where my sub image will be.
I changed my mind about the picture so I deleted it and placed a box where it should be.
I also added a guest editors note.
I added a star to make it stand out.

Friday 18 November 2016

Time mangement


My aim for this lesson is to start my magazine contents page and add my image, my title and to finish a contents section.

My results for this lesson is that I have started my contents magazine i have aded my image and my title but I have only just started my feature section. 

First draft- contents

This is my first draft of my contents page.
I added my title of the magazine to keep the house style.
I added my own image.
I added my contents title.
I started with what is in my magazine.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to complete my magazine, do peer assement and collect my own and upload it to my blog with a comment and then start my compare and contrast of my magazine and a similar product.

My result of this lesson is that I have completed my magazine, finished my peer assessment, collected my own and uploaded to my blog with my opinion on the feedback, I finished the compare and contrast and I started my contents page.

Feedback front cover

This is my peer feedback from people in my class. There is some bits I agree with and some I don't agree with.
Someone said that I should have a solid background instead of the spray paint background but I disagree as I believe that helps the magazine stand out and makes it colourful and bright. A couple of people said that my sub images should a little brighter which I agree with as they are quite dark and hard to see. Another piece of feedback I agree with is changing the blue font to a brighter colour to help it stand out more and make it more readable also changing the box above the barcode to help it blend in. I disagree that there is too many colours used on my magazine was it helps it stand out and makes it look more interesting. I agree that I need to change the gramma errors in my magazine front cover as it will look more professional. I disagree that I should re-think the picture frames as I think the image frames help the magazine look more tidy and they help the images stand out on the magazine page as they wouldn't look right against the graffiti without a border.

Compare and contrast - front cover

This is my front cover.

This is a magazine similar to mine

There are some similarities and differences with my magazine and a similar product.
One similarity to my magazine and this similar product is that both our titles are on slants also I included a quote on top of the title and something about the article underneath the title. A difference between these two magazines is that I haven't included a give away of posters but I have included a give away of headphones instead but posters could be something I look to include in my magazine. Another similarity of these magazines is the plus bar at the bottom of the page except the similar product has a lot more artists than mine does but I wanted the artist to stand out on the page. Another difference is that the masthead goes across the top of the page and mine sits at the side as for my magazine it looks better and fits better also in the similar product the artist goes over the masthead and mine doesn't as the image isn't big enough which could be something I could change in the future. Another similarity of these two magazines is that I have included a couple of sub images it make it more interesting and added tag lines for the sub images. Another difference is that I don't have a bar at the top of my magazine as I think my magazine looks better without it also the barcode on the similar product is all one box and mine has a different colour box as it helps it stand out and help people find it easier but changing it to the same colour could be an improvement for the future.

The give away of beat headphones shows that I am catering towards my target audience as from my research I found out that people who would read this sort of magazine enjoy listening to music through headphones.

The artists that I have included such as Paramore show that I am representing the alternative genre and the swear word again show that I'm making a alternative magazine as the artists are alternative and swearing in a magazine is very out their and different just like the alternative genre.

There is couple of things I could change for my next draft such as making the image a little better so it fills more of the space and change the colour of one of the tag lines so that it stands out more also if I can include free posters and maybe make my title slightly smaller so I can fit more things in.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Second shoot

I have included the weather and tide times for my second shoot for my magazine to show that the weather is going to be okay to take photos as it will be sunny while I am taking them and I have also included the tide times for the sea so then I know when the tide will be out so if I want to shoot on the beach it will be safe for us.

Monday 14 November 2016

Third Draft - Front Cover

In this I changed the other artists to pictures of my model and I changed the tag line for one of the photos as it didn't fit the picture any more.

Friday 4 November 2016

Time management


My aim for this lesson is to add images of other artists and tag lines for them and also to add puff to my magazine cover.

My result for this lesson is that I added images of other artists and tag lines for them, pull quote, my title and I changed my masthead so I could fit in my puff.

Second draft - Front cover

I added images of other artists and tag lines for them.
I added a pull quote to my magazine.
I added my title.
I changed my masthead so I could fit in my puff.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

First Draft - Front cover

This is my first draft of my magazine.

Time Management


My aim for this lesson is to start making my front cover and add my image, mast head and barcode.

My result for this lesson is that I have added my image, masthead, barcode and started my plus bar.

Monday 31 October 2016

Contents page flat plans and rationale

On my contents page my masthead will be at the top of the page in the corner but quite small and next to that I will have contents quite big to made it stand out and I will have the cover date and the issue number quite smaller and  underneath them their will be social media icons to show that we are on social media as it is very popular in alternative music. A lot of the page will be taken over by my dominate image of my model underneath them their will be a guest editors note from the same person in the dominate image. Next to my guest editors note their will be a sub image of a different model which will help bring in more fans, above them will be lists of what is in the magazine in separate sections.

The first font I will use for the 'contents' and the second font I will use for the numbers and the titles but in red and white.

The background of the top of my contents page of this will be dark blue, as again this is a popular colour with alternative fans, with a yellow zig zag going through it as the bright colour will help the top stand out. Also the background of my contents page will be white so help the colours on the page stand out. In my dominate image my model will be wearing a alternative artist t-shirt so show that they are a alternative artist that supports their fellow artists also the shirt will be black as black and dark colours are very popular with fans and artists in the alternative music genre also their facial expression will be quite sad as the article they are showing is somewhat sad so I want to show it. This photograph will be taken as a medium shot as you get to see more of them in the photograph to represent that their is more to them than what the article is about. In my sub image my model will be wearing a checked shirt  as from my research I have found that they are also popular with people who like alternative music and the artists this will be shot from behind to fit with the story line. For my numbers they will be dark red, the boxes with the titles will be blue as they will stand out from the white but also dark colours are popular with alternate music fans and artists but the writing in the boxes will be white as it will stand out from the blue so people will find it easier. The background of my dominate image will be different shades of blue with a white line around my image to help it stand out from the background. The background to my sub images will be sea as it will be a shoot at the beach as this is very popular place to listen to alternative music.
Image result for halsey shirt

DPS flat plan and rationale

In my DPS half of my page will be taken over by my dominate image to show that the artist is important.The background of my DPS is going to be black as this makes it easier for the colour from the rainbows stand out and the article and pull quotes will be white so the black background will hep that stand out too also dark colours are a big part of the alternative music genre as the fans and artists like the colours and wear a lot of them as this shows that they are alternative.
At  the side of my dominate image their will be my title also in the corner of the page their will be a running head with my magazine name, the magazine name will also be at the bottom of the page,so people remember what they are reading, with the date and the page number so people know when this was created and what page it is so it is easy to locate from the contents page.
Next to my dominate image their will be image caption which will give a small piece of information about the artist. At the side the page I will include a by line for the article and photography as it shows people who did this. Beside my dominate image I will add a subtitle which will be a quote from the artist about themselves. On the other side of my DPS is where my article will be which will include two pull quotes to capture the readers attention easier also my subtitle will be a quote from the artist about their life. 

The first font will be used for my title and the second font will be used for the pull quotes on the page.
My title will be 'Sydney shows their true colours' which is sort of a pun as they are coming out which is associated with rainbows and the DPS will have rainbows on it.
Also I will include a sub image underneath my article where my two models are together and they look happy to show that life gets better. I will be using a prop of a rainbow flag in my photograph as it brings colour to the page and it again helps re enforce that they are gay as a rainbow flag is a symbol of the LGBT+ community.My main model will be wearing a tank top,with rips and holes in as I found out from my research this is popular with fans and artists, that is popular in the alternative music community as a few alternative artists have worn it this shows that this artist is alternative too they will also be wearing a dark coloured plaid shirt as dark colours are important to fans and artists and from my research I found that they are very popular in this genre of music. with rips and holes in as I found out from my research this is popular with fans and artists.
Image result for i don't trust me either tank
Image result for burgundy plaid shirt
Image result for rainbow flag png

Front page flat plans and rationale.

On my front cover I will have my main sell line across my dominate image to help it stand out and grabs peoples attention and so that people know who the main article is about, I will also have a pull quote from the artist on top of my main sell line so that people know what the article is about and I will include a subhead which will be underneath my sell line so that it has a little more detail for my article.
At the bottom of my front cover I will include a plus bar so the people know what else is in the magazine and it will help attract the attention of fans of other artists. On one side of my dominate image their will be a sub image, with just the sell line. I will have another sub image above my dominate image with a sell line and a small subhead to make the front cover interesting, give more detail to my article and to attract more fans. On the other side of my dominate image their will be a puff to win something so that it attracts more people as they could get something for free.
On the second image the sell line and subhead will be overlapping the image to show that the story line is important for the person. In the corner of my magazine their will be a barcode with a little bit of information about the magazine and it will be small so that it doesn't look important but is still easy to find. I will have my masthead at the top of the page in the corner to make it stand out from the competition as most alternative magazine have the masthead across the top of the page with my tag line over lapping it to make sure people notice the tag line as it stands out.

The first font will be the one I use for my sell line and the second font will be the one I use for my masthead.

My dominate image will be taken at eye level with a medium close up to make it stand out on a shelf as their is someone looking at you. The costume that my model will be wearing is a burgundy jumper with a beanie as this helps represent the alternative colour also the colour will stand out from the background which will be graffiti on a wall as this makes the page look full and interesting with all of the colour. The facial expression that my model will have will be a super smiler as it shows that the topic they are talking about is nothing to be ashamed of and that even through struggles you can be happy again.
Their will be a lot of colour in my magazine as the background will be colourful, their will be small uses of bright colours such as yellow and red to help things stand out more and make it more interesting, also their will be a lot of use of white as it will stand out well against my dominate image and the background, their will be some blue and other dark colours as this represents alternative genre well as most people who listen to alternative music and artists wear a lot of dark colours.

Friday 28 October 2016

Final Costume, Hair and Make up

Powered by emaze This helped me decide and understand what costume, hair and makeup I want for my model. Organizing this before helps me tell the model what I want for the photos so that they know what they are doing. This should help my photos to be more professional looking as everything is organised.

Monday 24 October 2016

Health and Safety

This Recce helped plan my photo shoot properly so that it is more professional and the photos come out looking professional so more people will want my magazine and it helped me figure out what could go wrong during the shoot and how I could prevent that and how I can over come a situation or problem if it happens to arise.